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Rest Well Sleep Elixir

Rest Well Sleep Elixir


Well rested humans rest well.


A mild formulation that has been in development for over 2 years.


Certified organic whole hemp flower from the unspoiled Northeast Kingdom of Vermont slowly extracted into beneficial fatty acid and nutrient-rich organic oils of hempseed and grapeseed.


Allyson has used REST WELL as a support many nights since the beginning of Pepper Lee in 2019 and she is ready to share this offering with you!


BENEFITS OF LIPID EXTRACTION FOR CBD ELIXIRS: Lipid extraction is a time-honored and ancient technique of using oil, plant matter, time, fire and love to infuse plant medicine in to the chosen oil that will the be ingested or used topically.

ALL of Pepper Lee's collection uses lipid extracting techniques to make the products herein. The benefit to this traditional method is that no solvents, alcohol or chemicals are used. The plant material is kept whole (not stripped of any of its beneficial and magical properties). The human body produces and absorbs oil easily, so the body understands what to do with oil extractions on an elemental and cellular level:


"...Results show that the co-administration of cannabinoids with lipids enhances the bioavailability of CBD (in rats) by almost 3-fold... Such a profound increase in systemic exposure can significantly affect the therapeutic effects...of these cannabinoids."


- US National Institute of Health (Published online 2016 Aug 15)


"DOSAGE:" -The use of any plant magic is a very personalized experience and you will come to find the proper dosage for you.* -90 mgs of Full Spectrum CBD in each bottle means each dropper full has a mild dose of ~3 mgs in each dropper full. 1-4 droppers full under the tongue for up to 30 seconds with a swig of water and you’re good!



It is a good idea to shake well before use.


SUGGESTED USES: - Shake well before each use. Take 2-4 droppers full before bedtime when needed. Ingest under tongue (sub-lingually). Drink a little water after.

-The perfect nightstand CBD dropper. -


Use this as a base and add your own magic! Some ideas: drop a bit of your own elderberry syrup, honey, maple, vanilla, ginger, or ashwagandha tincture.


-Not recommended for pets.


-Must be over 18 to purchase.



Vermont Department of Agriculture's Hemp Program defines "Full Spectrum" as: "Full spectrum means a hemp product or hemp-infused product that is: (a) derived from a hemp concentrate; (b) contains cannabinoids, aromatics, essential vitamins and minerals, fatty acids, protein, chlorophyll, flavonoids, and terpenes; and (c) has not been reformulated or has not had cannabinoid isolates or distillates added to it." -Vermont Hemp Rules (effective May 21, 2020) Extraction made with hemp from NEK Hemp in Barton, Vermont. A certified organic family-owned hemp farm. DISCLAIMERS: As with any herbal supplement, please consult your doctor before using this product. MAY CAUSE DROWSINESS. CHOKING HAZARD Keep out of reach of children. Consult a health professional if pregnant or nursing. This product contains ingredients derived from hemp, and contains less that 0.3% Delta-9 THC on dry weight basis. This product has not been evaluated by the FDA. Must be 18 years of age or older to purchse.


*Pepper Lee does not make any health claims about products. Information on this website is intended to provide general information regarding products and is not to be construed as medical advice or instru


VT Hemp Processor
License # 4372

The statements herein have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. 


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